The case for a real fiduciary standard is a case for the values and principles that are vital, self-evident and indisputable – like the values that inspired our nation’s founders. And that the country heard last month in eulogies for George H. W. Bush.
“Press on, regardless”
Jack Bogle richly deserves the huge accolades he is receiving. He was a model public servant operating in the private sector.
‘Visionary’ Bogle Gave SEC a Warning About Reg BI
John “Jack” Bogle, who died at his home in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday, also left the Securities and Exchange Commission with advice to mull as it marches ahead with its advice-standards package and the much-debated Regulation Best Interest.
What I, and millions of others, owe Jack Bogle
A clue to why Bogle has become such leading light is found in his most recent book, “Stay the Course — The Story of Vanguard and the Index Revolution.”
Conventional Wisdom Says a Major Problem is “Investor Confusion” About Brokers and Advisers; Is This the Whole Story?
By Knut A. Rostad and Darren M. Fogarty — Investors misunderstand how brokers and advisers differ because the information they get from the industry is unclear or misleading.
SEC’s latest on fiduciary: Advisers can customize individual client agreements
Disclosure and informed consent can limit services, allow third-party pay