Letter from Knut A. Rostad of the Institute for the Fiduciary Standard to SEC Chairman, Jay Clayton, regarding the Regulation Best Interest on August 6, 2018.
Shops Line Up at SEC Offices to Sway ‘Best Interest’ Outcome
In July 26 article, Jill Gregorie lists 55 meetings at the SEC of groups ranging from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and SIFMA to AARP, CFA Institute, CFA and the Institute for the Fiduciary Standard.
Mr. Chairman, “Rebuild the 40 Act Wall”
I challenge any reader of this article to cite an example where broker-dealers urged brokers to avoid conflicts over disclosing conflicts.
Fiduciary Adviser Groups to Host Virtual Press Conference
Several nationally recognized groups of fiduciary advisers on June 28, 2018, announced an initiative to urge RIAs (SEC and state registered investment advisers) to write the SEC (Securities Exchange Commission) and explain how independent financial advisers are different from brokers.
The SEC is Failing to Serve Retail Investors
Advising in an intimate relationship of two differs markedly from offering incidental advice in a sales relationship of three. This is what the SEC needs to know to close the gap and create a standard retail investors would reasonably expect.
Meet Gail
Gail from Maryland is an accomplished professional with a BS in engineering and finance and an MBA. She also had a terrible experience with a broker who Gail says betrayed her. Meet Gail. Hear her story. Note her courage to come forward.