Mark Tibergien, CEO, Pershing Advisor Solutions, has been a thought leader in the business of advice for 30 years. Investment Advisor readers voted Tibergien the most influential leader in the advisory space earlier this year. Speaking with Knut Rostad, Tibergien expresses views that RIAs usually discuss privately. Examples? RIA standards are too low. The RIA voice is fragmented and brand is unclear. Tibergien also notes consumer distrust harms RIA recruitment and growth. To cap off, “Money is the new sex, the thing people don’t talk about.” A Freudian slip? Read on.
Why You Can’t Be “Three-Quarters of a Fiduciary”
Former SEC Commissioner Luis Aguilar spoke these words in 2010 when Dodd-Frank was under construction in Congress: “While the scope of service may vary between clients, the standards of loyalty and care in providing that service should not. You simply cannot be three-quarters of a fiduciary.”
Memo on the Proposed Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct to CFP Board
In a memo to CFP Board from the Institute, we comment on its new standards. The proposed standards move financial planners towards professionalism on a number of fronts. Two stand out. One, in a sharp departure from the current standards, all CFPs who render financial advice are held to fiduciary conduct. Two, in the proposed standards conflicts begin to be addressed.
How fiduciary advisors need to talk so investors (really) listen
A conversation on how fiduciary advisors ‘Need to talk so investors listen.’
When Are We Going to Get There?
In his weekend column, Jason Zweig surveys the landscape on fiduciary regulations and firm adherence. He finds it lacking.
Will CFP Board Make History?
What do investors want from advisors’ code of conduct? A survey conducted in 2016 by the CFA Institute offers an insight.