Failures of the FINRA report parallel recent Olympic controversies.
CFPB Rejects Supreme Court on Advice
A recent CFPB paper tries to say that conflicts are okay. It fails.
Most Advisors Don’t Disclose Fiduciary Status On Forms – That’s A Big Deal
Form CRS is designed to show broker-dealer and RIA differences. Samples of forms, however, show they fall way short of the clear guidance clients need. Knut argues for clearer regulatory guidance.
The SEC’s Dismal Failure with Form CRS
The SEC’s current guidance on CRS fails investors and confuses RIAs. It can be made right to fulfill its core purpose, consistent with 40 Act.
Knut Rostad puts fiduciary advice up against best-interest standards
Knut and Jeff, InvestmentNews, dive deep into the weeds to untangle whether brokers or advisers have the better standard of practice.
The States Strike Back Against Reg BI
State securities regulators, NASAA, issued a blistering report on the results of the SEC’s Reg BI. The report is a public service and supports The New SEC in 2021.