Note to leaders in finance: if three Supreme Court justices can argue for the integrity of the Court in the public square, maybe you can argue for the integrity of finance.
Investor Trust in 2021 – No Longer Hitched to Wall Street?
Knut offers a new paradigm for financial advisors to regain investor trust in 2021.
Trust in Advisors is Stuck at 2009 Levels
“Fiduciary September” was invented by the Institute for the Fiduciary Standard to remind investors and the planning profession why fiduciary advice matters.
The SEC Takes on Climate-Risk Disclosure
The SEC’s movement on Climate-Risk disclosure demonstrates what rulemaking should look like on the fiduciary standard.
What if …. We Tell Investors the Truth? (Part Three)
Part three of a series where Knut Rostad, President of the Institute, argues that the SEC should be telling investors the simple truth about sales vs. advice.
What if …. We Tell Investors the Truth? (Part Two)
Part two of a series where Knut Rostad, President of the Institute, argues that the SEC should be telling investors the simple truth about sales vs. advice.