The media blast about Tony Robbins as a potential RIA spokesman has produced a torrent of RIA comment ranging from the most cynical to the most hopeful. Is Robbins just hyping his book or, as he contends, seeking to help investors who suffered in the 2008-’09 financial crisis?
The Wall Street ‘Election’ Campaign Is On. How Will You Respond?
The midterm election results are still fresh and Wall Street’s grin, with a friendlier Congress in hand, is still wide. Voters sent a message and both sides agree on this much: the election was a referendum on the president and he lost.
Fiduciary September and What’s Possible
After five years and thousands of pages of commentary and analysis since the Obama Administration called for subjecting brokers to the fiduciary standard in June 2009, is there anything new?
An ‘adviser’ in name only
Calling a broker an adviser is dangerous, and it’s time to embrace the black-and-white distinction Kudos to InvestmentNews! Fiduciary September comes to a close this week, and one of the central themes has been the vital importance of clearly separating sales from advice in law, practice and the minds of investors. A September 28 InvestmentNews […]
Fiduciary Advisors Are in Peril: How to Fight Back
Fiduciary advisors are in peril. The brokerage industry is smothering fiduciary advisors in a well-oiled Wall Street-Washington lobbying campaign.
It will take a profession to enhance standards
The Dodd-Frank law was enacted just four years ago in the backdrop of a crisis — a crisis some observers say came perilously close to the collapse of the financial system.