CFPB is reviewing its “Ethical foundation for CFP certification.” This review is timely. The advice market is undergoing a basic transformation. New technologies, the DOL Rule, more demanding investors and lowering costs are change agents. Higher ethical standards are in demand. CFPB should answer the call and lead.
What advisers must do to survive in a fiduciary world
It’s June 9, and the DoL fiduciary rule has arrived – sort of. The cornerstone of the rule, the Impartial Conduct Standards, effectively becomes part of any engagement not explicitly grandfathered. This is good.
Secretary Acosta, Candor and the DOL Rule
Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta’s Wall Street Journal op-ed last week on the DOL fiduciary rule is a public service. Secretary Acosta writes with candor on the administration’s opposition. In so doing, he advances the fiduciary conversation.
Sheryl Garrett Endorses Institute for the Fiduciary Standard Best Practices Affirmation Program
Leader of hourly financial planning movement says Institute program provides much-needed clarity to help investors know what to expect from a fiduciary advisor
The Fiduciary Structure of Investment Management Regulation
By Arthur Laby — Investment managers owe fiduciary duties to clients, including the duty of loyalty and the duty of care. A persistent question, with no clear answer, is what precisely is required by the duties of loyalty and care. In this paper, I argue that much of investment management regulation is a response by regulators to the uncertainty inherent in the fiduciary obligation.
The Fiduciary Standard: What Would Peter Drucker Say?
Last week the Institute for the Fiduciary Standard announced the first class of 27 Best Practices Advisors. Vanguard founder Jack Bogle and personal finance columnist and author Jane Bryant Quinn joined the Institute for a briefing in New York. A common question from journalists during and after the briefing was, ‘What’s new?’