Testing reveals CRS forms of Large BDs obscure or omit key facts on core roles/purposes of broker-dealers. Large fee-only RIAs downplay fiduciary status, 5 of 12 omit mentioning their highest legal standard
“Investor Confusion” Over How Advisers Differ from Brokers Stymies Regulatory Disclosure, Experts Say
Since the 2008 SEC RAND Report, “investor confusion” has been the central story. The Institute argues that bad language, instead, is to blame.
Fiduciary Leaders Call on SEC to Repair Defects of Rulemakings and Interpretation to Restore Investor Trust
Major repairs to Reg BI, Form CRS and Adviser Act guidance are proposed to affirm broker and adviser differences and to level with investors
Institute Comment Letter to Iowa Insurance Divison on “Best Interest Standard of Care for Insurance and Securities Professionals”
The Institute submitted a comment letter to the Iowa Insurance Division on its proposed rulemaking in light of SEC’s Reg BI.
Institute Paper: SEC, CFP Board Standards Abandon Advisers Act Principle that Treats Sales and Advice Differently
Regulators treated brokerage sales and fiduciary advice differently for years, stressing the harms and risks of conflicts of interest. Avoiding conflicts, if at all possible, was the norm. That was yesterday.
Jay Clayton: Reg BI Still Coming June 30th
SEC staff to issue two “Risk Alerts” for further guidance.