The magnitude of the deception of BDs insisting they are actually becoming “advisory” firms is undressed and exposed.
Advisor News
RIA Biz: First Ascent, Geo Wealth Merger is Good for RIAs
Is it being 71? MacKillop, 71, is “rejuvenated”. In 1945 Churchill won WWII when he was 71
Sara Grillo Challenges the Industry to be Transparent
In this podcast Sara drills down on what transparency means for advisors and their clients.
Fiduciary Care is How We Would Treat Our Mother
Too many new rules undermine the principles – Based fiduciary standard; here is how Scott MacKillop says we should think about fiduciary
No fee model is perfect: RIA Summit 2022
It is important for people to understand that different fee models may benefit certain people more, thus advisors must explain what services are being provided
How to Fix Our Failed Approach to Fiduciary Lobbying
Industry commentator, Bob Veres, argues that fiduciary advocates should emphasize the “catastrophic failures” of the brokerage business model.