A review of 45 fee-only advisers by the Institute for the Fiduciary Standard shows only 14 of them mention the term on their website homepages.
Institute Initiatives
Actions and programs of the Institute. Visit the Institute Initiatives archive to view initiatives prior to 2018.
Ron A. Rhoades Wins 2020 Frankel Fiduciary Prize
Ron A. Rhoades is the 2020 honoree of the Frankel Fiduciary Prize, named after Law Professor Tamar Frankel.
Institute Letter to SEC Calls for New Thinking on Disclosure
Plain language, testing and new technologies must be marshaled to battle systemic complexity in increased disclosure of Reg BI era.
New “Fiduciary Common Sense” guidance helps investors find fiduciary advisors
Introduction Part of the “After the Advisers Act” initiative that The Institute has launched is the creation of new tools to help investors “Find a Fiduciary.” These tools can be used by fee-only, fiduciary advisory firms, and advisor advocacy groups, to promote why it is vital that investors choose to work with a fiduciary. E-Book […]
After the Advisers Act: What the New SEC and CFP Board Standards Mean for Investors
Two articles and a webinar speak to how the SECs’ and CFP Boards’ new standards depart from the Advisers Act of 1940.
Institute Paper: SEC, CFP Board Standards Abandon Advisers Act Principle that Treats Sales and Advice Differently
Regulators treated brokerage sales and fiduciary advice differently for years, stressing the harms and risks of conflicts of interest. Avoiding conflicts, if at all possible, was the norm. That was yesterday.